Because it's not always what you said but what you shouldn’t’ve.
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—Neanderthal eaten by giant bird.
—Neanderthal eaten by giant bird.
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“Eh! Uh! Oui! Oui! OUI!”
—One of a two person team carrying a piano up the stairs.
—One of a two person team carrying a piano up the stairs.
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“Who put bear tracks on the dinning room table?”
—Local resident who died of a mysterious case of being eaten.
—Local resident who died of a mysterious case of being eaten.
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“I don’t remember my pee being that color.”
—Dude who never got that “thing” checked out
—Dude who never got that “thing” checked out
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“Timy? Timbo? Timbuktu?”
—Lumberjack in the wrong place trying to remember what to say when a tree falls.
—Lumberjack in the wrong place trying to remember what to say when a tree falls.
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“Oh yea, I like to see ya make me!”
—Overconfident bro trying to impress a girl after a nightclub bouncer told him where to stick it.
—Overconfident bro trying to impress a girl after a nightclub bouncer told him where to stick it.
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“Hey, watch this!”
—Not the guy holding the camera, the other one.
—Not the guy holding the camera, the other one.